Contain Enviro Services Ltd. carries a complete range of soil reinforcement materials to handle even the most challenging of soil reinforcement applications.
Geotextiles perform three basic functions in stabilizing aggregate sections:
- Separation
- Drainage
- Reinforcement
Some contractors are resistant in using geotextiles because of a belief that the material will add cost to the project. However, with proper installation most projects realize a 30 percent to 40 percent drop in required aggregate base thickness. This leads to a drastic drop in production costs as the geotextile costs only a fraction of that saved from the reduction in required aggregate, as well as any transportation costs of trucking the aggregate to site.
The use of a geotextile for the separation and reinforcement of the aggregate is understood very well to anyone who has placed aggregate directly over a weak subgrade and has seen it lose its effectiveness from intermixing with the underlying soil. Investigations of failures in unpaved surfaces often reveal the presence of fine-grained soils intermixed with the aggregate base.
As an aggregate layer is loaded by heavy vehicle traffic, the bottom loosens with tension cracks allowing the underlying fines under pressure to migrate up into the aggregate. As little as 10 percent to 20 percent fines can completely destroy the structural strength of the aggregate by interfering with the hard stone to stone contact. As fines infiltrate the base of the aggregate layer, flexure increases, fines migrate further upwards and the section deteriorates until complete failure occurs. This entire process is accelerated by the presence of water, quickly destroying the effectiveness of the aggregate layer.
Contain carries a complete range of soil reinforcement materials to handle even the most challenging of soil reinforcement applications. The correct choice of material typically revolves around the native materials in the area, the choice of backfill available to create the road, and finally the vehicle weight and frequency of wheel load the road must endure. Contain has a keen understanding of these variables and can suggest the most appropriate, as well as cost effective solution to fit your design requirements.
Along with soil reinforcement products, Contain carries a full line of construction products, such as erosion and sediment control products to help you comply with the environmental requirements of your construction project.